Get started on your journey with us

We offer a set of curated group programs, individual paths and tailored executive development programs. We pre-screen all applicants for an optimal learning experience and great group dynamics.

We are here to share what we ourselves have studied, learned and experienced – through our own insights and the insights of many teachers from all over the world that have crossed our path over the past decades. For us – and many leaders we collaborate with – it has transformed our way to live, lead and serve the world.

We hope our invitation inspires you to leap.

Core Journey
Core Leaders
Nature Core
Core Wisdom
Tailormade for you
Tailormade for teams

Core Journey

Bring your most important issues or questions and join us for an unforgettable journey. Perhaps your question is: What is next? Is this it? Should I stay or go?
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Core Journey

A journey symbolizes change. It can be an inner journey and a journey to a new place somewhere in the world. The Core Journey embraces both. Bring one of your most important issues or questions and join us for an unforgettable journey.

The question can be anything that matters to you. What is next? Is this it? Should I stay or should I go? Why is my life governed by other people’s expectations on me? It can be a reflection of something personal, professional or both.

You will be part of a group of fifteen companions who unite and support each other throughout this journey. Our facilitators are there to ensure a safe and open space filled with trust.

Your question will get full attention in different group settings. Often, the most important dimension is when you find the space and peace to meet with yourself and listen to your inner voice. You will experience new valuable perspectives to your question or issue from yourself and your fellow travellers. You will also get closer to your own core, helping you to move forward in life, with grace and confidence.

First of all, you send us your application. Then we schedule an interview to get to know you and your issue. On the first day of the program we establish the group and build trust and look at the collection of our issues. A few weeks later, we embark on a 3-4 days’ journey with your fellow companions to a beautiful nature setting. A month later, we gather again for a follow up and deepening of the insights.

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Start january 2025

Core Leaders

Imagine a curated group of leaders. You have all accomplished great things in your work life. You realise that there is more to explore. You want to reach further.
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Core Leaders

Successful leaders know themselves. Making the right choices for the right reasons. Using your full capacity and gaining energy at the same time. Finding a deeper meaning for your work

We are inviting a curated group of leaders. Each one of you have accomplished great things in your work life. All of you also share the realization that there is more to explore. You want to reach further. What probably differs is your individual interpretation of what “reach further” is.

This program is designed around your needs and challenges. You will be part of a forum around issues and questions that you wish to share. The participants have a solid experience from corporate leadership and specialist roles, bringing insights and expertise from a variety of businesses and industries. Often, the group evolves into an informal network that supports each other in many ways.

A few things are required from you; to commit, to lean in, and to trust with an open mind and heart. You will meet and be guided by specially invited guests and experts who will share their view on important questions. This program gives you unique opportunities to gain new insights that will inspire you to make the right choices for the right reasons – for your business as well as for your personal life.

This is how it works:
● The group consists of 10-12 people.

● After application, you are invited to an individual meeting about your challenges and what you wish to gain from the program.

● The program starts with a two-day stay-over session.

● Sessions 2-6 will be with 4-week intervals. Each session is 24 hours, starting at lunch time and finishing the day after at lunch time.

● The final step is a 4 day-journey to an interesting place in the world focusing on leadership.

Contact us to learn more about the program!

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Nature Core

An extraordinary experience, solo in wild nature. The small group of leaders begins and ends the program together. The perfect environment to recharge and to repurpose. Relaxed awareness leads to better decisions.
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Nature Core

Start changing the way you see the world! You are invited to join a very special journey; a Nature Quest in the wilderness. A small group of leaders will explore what a few days solo in nature can add to decision making and clear thinking, professionally and personally. Free from distractions, insights related to nature itself will spark new valuable thoughts.

The Nature Quest is inspired by ancient traditions among indigenous people, especially in North America, where it is still practiced – to find direction in life and to find answers to the most important questions.

In our version, a small group of people gathers with an experienced teacher for some hours of preparations before the actual solo experience. We will guide you to make the most out of your stay in nature and show you ways to get into a relaxed presence that amplifies the experience.

We go together into nature where each participant finds their own place for the coming days. After this unique solo experience, we gather to share insights and find what is most important to embrace and bring back home.

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January 2025

Core Wisdom

Core Wisdom Core Wisdom is a program specially designed for those of you who have already had a long career and who want to fill the next part of your...
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Core Wisdom

Core Wisdom

Core Wisdom is a program specially designed for those of you who have already had a long career and who want to fill the next part of your life with something that feels meaningful, rather than just slowing down. Maybe it’s about finding a renewed role in your existing organization or finding a completely new direction in life. The possibility exists that we have the best years ahead of us!

For four days, you and the other program participants will be guided through a transformative process with the common ambition of finding a new way to direct your energy, experience and wisdom. The process is based on methods such as life inventory, self inquiries, group discussions and meditation. Everything in close interaction with the surrounding nature.

Each group will be carefully assembled to represent different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. The process will be led by experienced facilitators and specially invited guest speakers. After the program, all participants will be offered exclusive membership in the Core Wisdom alumni network, which offers a wide range of continued development and networking opportunities.

If you’re interested or have questions, please contact

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Tailormade for you

Experience a personalised journey tailor made for you as an individual.
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Tailormade for you

We strive to offer programs and other activities that correspond precisely to your personal needs. Our open programs are helpful in many different situations, but not all.

We are therefore happy to tailor programs, both for individuals who want to take some steps on their own and for groups within a company or an organization.

Get in touch with us to explore what this could mean for you.

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Tailormade for teams

Experience a personalised journey designed for your company and your team, or tailor made for you as an individual.
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Tailormade for teams

We strive to offer programs and other activities that correspond precisely to your personal needs. Our open programs are helpful in many different situations, but not all.

We are therefore happy to tailor programs, both for individuals who want to take some steps on their own and for groups within a company or an organization.

Get in touch with us to explore what this could mean for you.

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Utan tvekan den bästa nätverket jag har fått förmånen att delta i. Michaela och Martin leder gruppen fram emot insikter som för vissa är uppenbara men för vissa blir till ett uppvaknande om sig själva och sättet de leder sig själva och sina organisationer. Med över 35 år i näringslivet med deltagande i olika VD-nätverk var jag initialt lite reserverad för hur påverkad jag skulle bli. För att förstå andra måste man förstå sig själv. Under träffarna så växer förtroendet för gruppen och individerna sakta fram. Givet sammansättning på gruppen är det uppenbart att vi är olika på många plan men om vi lär oss kommunicera, lyssna och förstå varandra lär vi oss arbeta som en grupp på ett mycket bättre sätt. Lyft din organisation till en ny nivå med hjälp av HumanCore.
Ove Opseth
CEO, Norcospectra
The demands on leaders are ever increasing. Future leaders need even more courage, and to show courage through being authentic as people. Authenticity creates following and makes sure that decisions are fully anchored in core values. The Humancore program helps leaders get more in touch with their authentic selves to create resilience and ensure the right decisions are taken for the right reasons. I am convinced that the program creates value not only for the individual, but also for co-workers and thus for the companies.
Sanna Campbell
Investor and Professional Board Executive
Core Leadership is not the usual leadership program. It is about courage. To dare meeting other people, but even more meeting yourself. When you’ve finished the program, you will notice differences within yourself. You will get a tool box for the rest of your life, as a leader and as a human being.
Isabelle Ducellier
CEO, Orkla Health
I had the privilege and fortune to be part of the leadership education with Martin and Michaëla. It has for me been a life-defining moment. Through a very open-minded process they lead you and the group to explore your inner self and give you the tools to improve your personal capabilities in so many ways. I sincerely recommend this opportunity to develop yourself to the next level!
Johan Rosenkvist
VP, Scan Global Logistics
The program was a combination of being a part of a team with great people and getting inspired by really experienced guests with new perspectives. This combination has really developed myself and I can honestly say that it made me a better person as well as a better professional. Martin and Michaëla are coaching the program with perfection and have the ability to create an atmosphere of trust that opens up the individual and strengthens the group.
Pontus Winberg
CRO, Skyqraft
In the program led by Martin and Michaëla I realized that life is a journey of exploring what is meaningful to you and then to find out how to follow that meaning. Meeting with and listening to the wisdom and experience of fantastic people in the group gave me the tools and inspiration to continue this journey, to find out what are my dreams and how can I be true to myself both on a professional and personal level.
Monalotte Theorell Christofferson
CFO, Stena Sessan AB
It was a privilege to participate in the program. It opened doors that had previously been closed, and that allowed me as a leader to develop in unexpected ways. It made me more authentic in acting as a leader and I grew as a human being. It gave me courage. This was all facilitated by a program unlike other programs. It surprised me, challenged me and created a trustful atmosphere among participants that I I´ve never experienced in similar programs. The leader duo invited us to an intimate sphere and it spread throughout the group.
Anna-Karin Laurell
Affärsområdeschef, Swedbank
Who are the programs for?

For people who are curious about what else there is to find in life. Formal and informal leaders who dare to challenge themselves to make the most out of life, personally and professionally.

What are the programs for?

The programs are there for you to connect with your inner wisdom, to reach new levels of leadership and to see meaning in the direction you choose to go.

How do I know which program to start with?

Don´t worry. We are happy to help you if the program descriptions are not enough for you to decide. You are welcome to contact us.

How should I prepare?

In general, the programs do not require much preparation. Make sure that you can be fully present during the program days and focus on what we are doing together. A well thought through intention will help you to get the most out of the program.

Who is leading the programs?

Program leaders are highly qualified and carefully chosen for their ability to let you discover new things about yourself, at your own pace.

Can the program be tailored for me?

Yes. If you feel that open programs are not for you at this moment, we are happy to suggest an individual path to follow. Contact us to learn more.

Is it possible to design a program for a team from one company?

Yes. We have vast experience of tailoring programs for groups within one organization – serving both individuals and the team as a whole.

Will I be part of a community?

Yes. Connecting with other participants who share the curiosity of what more there is to life is a great way to continue your development. We facilitate different ways to do that.